Water Management with GIS - Part 1

This course is about the use of GIS in management of water cycle. It covers the use of PostgreSQL as a database for GIS, and PostGIS and QGIS as a GIS software and Giswater a GIS software for managing the water circle. By the end of this course you will be able to install and configure PostgreSQL, create a water system database, install QGIS, add PostGIS connection to the database, create schema for the water system, create a water systems GIS project.

Responsible Geoffrey Kirui
Last Update 10/30/2021
Completion Time 2 minutes
Members 6

Creating Water and Sewer Databases in PostgreSQL

Before you utilize GIS database, you are required to create database. In this case we need separate database for water systems and sewer systems. And enable spatial extensions for each necessary for correct functioning of Giswater.

Creating Water and Sewer Databases in PostgreSQL

Before you utilize GIS database, you are required to create database. In this case we need separate database for water systems and sewer systems. And enable spatial extensions for each necessary for correct functioning of Giswater.


Water management with GIS has not been possible due to the lack of tools to put the idea into a practical and accountable manner. There are various tools that when put together, make the management process realistic due to the complex nature of management process that exist. Since not a single person oversee the entire management process, but certain individuals are responsible for certain aspect of water management for example an operation and maintenance officer oversee the activities the occur on a daily basis on the actual elements of the network for example responding to a leak or inspecting a water connection.

Installing PostgreSQL